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How to use this medicine

This medicine contains one component only.

Reporting side effects

You can help ensure medicines are safe by reporting the side effects you experience.

You can report side effects to your doctor, or directly at www.tga.gov.au/reporting-problems


This medicine is classified as an opioid. The use of opioids comes with side effects including life-threatening breathing problems and the risk of abuse, misuse, and addiction. They should be taken with care. To find out more about opioid medicines and alternatives for managing pain, visit the healthdirect opioid medicines and pain hub.

Do I need a prescription ?

These medicine packs are available from a pharmacist and requires a prescription. It is Schedule 4 : Prescription Only Medicine. open tool tip to find out more

Reporting side effects

You can help ensure medicines are safe by reporting the side effects you experience.

You can report side effects to your doctor, or directly at www.tga.gov.au/reporting-problems


This medicine is classified as an opioid. The use of opioids comes with side effects including life-threatening breathing problems and the risk of abuse, misuse, and addiction. They should be taken with care. To find out more about opioid medicines and alternatives for managing pain, visit the healthdirect opioid medicines and pain hub.

How to use this medicine

This medicine contains one component only.

ERYRA 500MG TAB mengandung Erythromycin 500 mg. Erythromycin merupakan antibiotik golongan Makrolida yang menjadi alternatif bagi pasien yang alergi antibiotik Penicillin. Makrolida bekerja dengan mengikat subunit spesifik ribosom 50S (tempat sintesis protein) pada bakteri yang rentan, sehingga menghambat pembentukan protein bakteri. Pada sebagian besar organisme, hal ini dapat menghambat pertumbuhan sel dan dalam konsentrasi tinggi dapat menyebabkan kematian sel.

Do I need a prescription ?

These medicine packs are available from a pharmacist and requires a prescription. It is Schedule 4 : Prescription Only Medicine. open tool tip to find out more

What this medicine is used for

For the temporary relief of acute moderate pain in patients over the age of 12 years

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Active ingredients: paracetamol + codeine

Drug class: Opioid Pain Relief Medicines

Paracetamol 500 mg and Codeine Phosphate 8 mg (Medreich) tablet, 10, blister pack Paracetamol 500 mg and Codeine Phosphate 8 mg (Medreich) tablet, 12, blister pack Paracetamol 500 mg and Codeine Phosphate 8 mg (Medreich) tablet, 20, blister pack Paracetamol 500 mg and Codeine Phosphate 8 mg (Medreich) tablet, 24, blister pack Paracetamol 500 mg and Codeine Phosphate 8 mg (Medreich) tablet, 30, blister pack Paracetamol 500 mg and Codeine Phosphate 8 mg (Medreich) tablet, 36, blister pack Paracetamol 500 mg and Codeine Phosphate 8 mg (Medreich) tablet, 40, blister pack


This medicine is classified as an opioid. The use of opioids comes with side effects including life-threatening breathing problems and the risk of abuse, misuse, and addiction. They should be taken with care. To find out more about opioid medicines and alternatives for managing pain, visit the healthdirect opioid medicines and pain hub.

Do I need a prescription ?

These medicine packs are available from a pharmacist and requires a prescription. It is Schedule 4 : Prescription Only Medicine. open tool tip to find out more